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“After your great work with Backroads, we had no hesitation coming back to you for our cottage resort logo and website. Once again your work was amazing. The great service and modern designs have helped take us to the top!”

  1. -Nancy Mussio, Designer for Barry's Bay Cottage Resort

Banjo Logo Inc. started out only one year ago and how time flies. The concept started after a long while of sharing my design concepts with others, and my design appetite grew larger. While doing contract design work for Backroad Mapbooks- a publisher of nationally known outdoor adventure guides- I met a talented graphic designer named Farnaz and our relationship, though rocky at times, built into a strong bond. Our concepts and ideas outgrew just the work for backroads and one night while contemplating my future, I realized a little more free lancing was in order. After speaking with my colleague to ensure she was onboard with the idea, we started to build on the concept. The first step was to create a name for the company and to work out the type of design we would like to do. As I have always been fascinated with branding and logos, it was easy to determine that Logos would be our primary design development. The name came easy to me after that, as I wanted it to be something catchy and something I really loved to hear. Being male many will understand that man's best friend is his dog and so it goes my dog's name is Banjo and so Banjo Logo is the name "o" Kinda close to the song my mother used to sing to me as a kid. 

So you have heard the start of everything and I will not bore you with the rest, but I can tell you that my team of three myself, Farnaz the designer, and of course lets not forget my inspiration Banjo, are here to help with all of your design and branding needs. Please call us and we will be happy to help your business get the start or the boost it needs to stand out from the rest. 

“Chris & his team at Banjo Logo have been extremely instrumental in helping our young organization to sort through what we were trying to accomplish to give us a clear corporate identity. His diligence patience and excellent hard work have laid the groundwork to make our first year in business a significant success.” 

- Ron Ilmer - President, Twice A Night Catering Ltd.

"The professionalism from start to finish was unparalleled. Banjo Logo took our dated ugly original logo and incorporated it into a new design that not only gave us a fresh look but presented us professionally to the marketplace. I highly recommend their work."

- J Marleau, Algonquin Bound Outdoor Store